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Be Safe,
Be Anonymous

Use some of the most powerful GPT A.I. chatbots without an account.

Keep your identity a secret. 

- Don't let tech tyrants know your secrets.

- Stay safe and anonymous. 

- Don't let AI discriminate against you. 


Stay in the driver's seat,
use A.I. to your advantage.

Picking the right GPTChat is important, especially in this current climate of data theft.

Unfortunately, we've seen this happen one too many times so we created GPT Anonymous. 

You can now access vital information from our bots with privacy at the forefront so you can focus on what really matters to you. 


Anonymous Chats

No logins.

No user accounts.

High-speed responses.

Anonymous payment system.

Pay As You Go

No subscriptions.

No credit card use. 

Use anonymous payment tokens. 

We refund unused tokens. 

Use any type of currency including CloudCoin!

Excellent Responses

Best A.I. bots.

Great Answers.

Choice of AI.

Full Customer Experience Service

Call us anytime.


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How It Works

Download the desktop app for free. You can then purchase payment tokens from our store (there's no log in needed which saves you from risking sharing your information).


Once you've added the tokens to the app, you can choose from a variety of chatbots.


Here's where it gets good - you'll proceed to ask our bots a question or prompt as we like to call it. That prompt will be sent to a random proxy server that hands off to our chatbots. This allows for none of your information to be accessed. 


If you are not 100% satisfied, we'll refund any tokens that you don't end up using!


Why do you use GPT Anonymous?

"Keeping my personal information out of the hands of tech tyrant companies is critical to me."


- Karen M.

North Carolina

“My personal information is secure. A.I. does not know my credit card numbers, address information, my banking, or my health information.”


- John B.


“I should be able to use Chat GPT any time and do it anonymously. A.I. should be used by me. I should not be used by A.I.”


- David S.



We're in beta testing.
We'd love your feedback!

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